Top 50 Backyard Swimming Pool Designs Ideas | Best Small Backyard Pool Design | Modern Swimming pool ideas | House Swimming pool Tips

Hello Friend,
Today we are we are going to discuss about the backyard swimming pool designs, it's benefits and how swimming pool can enhance the beauty of your house. In the modern era backyard swimming pool plays an important role in the look of your house. So many home owners prefer to build their own swimming pool at home.
Swimming pool has many benefits but it also has few drawbacks, which need attention and care during all time.
I am sure this article will help you understand the benefits of having swimming pool also you will understand the disadvantages of the swimming pool. Based on this you will be able to decide weather you really need backyard swimming or not. So let's get started on this important topic.
In this article we will cover following important topics..
1. Importance of backyard swimming pool
2. Disadvantages of backyard swimming pool
3. Types and designs of backyard swimming pool
4. Cost to build backyard swimming pool
5. How to care for backyard swimming pool
6. Cost to maintain backyard swimming pool
7. Conclusion
1. Importance of backyard swimming pool:
There are several benefits of having your own backyard swimming pool. It is increase the beauty of your house. When you get tired you can get relaxed and fresh your mind by spending some time in your backyard swimming pool. It is believed that swimming is the most effective and complete exercise for our body and mind. It can be expensive to book private swimming for you and your family and even if you register for the private swimming pool it will be difficult to visit regularly. But if you have your own swimming pool your entire family can enjoy the swimming. If you have small kids they can learn basics of swimming under the adult's supervision at home.
During the hot summer days, swimming pool is the most popular choice and loved by everyone. So overall swimming pool is a place of fun and enjoyment. These are are the some of the main benefits of having swimming pool in your backyard.

Along with the many benefits there are some disadvantage of having your own swimming pool. Maintaining a swimming pool is costly and needs lots of water which needs to be changed regularly. If you have small kids in your family then you have to take extra precaution by covering the surface of the swimming pool to make sure kids will not fall inside the swimming pool. It is very dangerous specially when child doesn't know how to swim. This types of incidents have happened at many places and lost their child. So it is very important to make sure that your swimming pool is properly covered and operated under the supervision of adult only.
3. Types and Designs of backyard swimming pool :
There are various types of backyard swimming pool. You can built either a permanent swimming pool by using bricks and concrete. This can be either ground level or above the ground level as per your need.
There are various designs of backyard swimming pool that you can buy or build it permanently for long term use. The most common designs are square, rectangular, oval and circle shape swimming pools.
The second type of swimming pool is temperately, you can use it for the specific time of the year. Then you can remove or fold it and keep it stored until the next season. This type of swimming pool is made up of plastic and metal pieces. This swimming pool is ideal because it's cheap and you can use your backyard space for other uses when required.
4. Cost to build backyard swimming pool :
The cost to build your own swimming pool is completely depends on it's size, design and the type of swimming pool. The average cost for the backyard swimming pool is in the range of US$ 500 - 5000.

There are some important points that you will need to follow to care for your swimming pool. First you will need to change water regularly or circulate the water properly. Second you will need to clean your swimming pool to remove any algae developed at the walls. You also need to make use of bleach or chlorine powder to keep your water fresh and kill germs.

Maintaining a swimming pool is costly, the average cost of backyard swimming pool is around US$ 300 / month. If you have your own water source then you can reduce this cost.

I hope the basic information provided in this article will help you to understand the benefits and drawbacks of having your own backyard swimming pool. I hope you will be able to make proper decision weather you really need the swimming pool or not.
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